Friday, January 13, 2006

Are the horde evil?

Well apparently the world of modern acedemia has stumbled headlong into the arena of the psychology behind character creation and race roles in mmorpgs. Their current article up at Terra Nova (an intellectual place. no sarcasm.) raises the questions that raise questions about the person/persona of someone who would choose to be an "evil" race, is it to avoid the sucrose laden panderings of the alliance quest for the "light" or is it the possiility of truly nefarious intentions of those who roll undead warlocks. Read and find out... (They actually dont answer anything, like true academics they are charged with raising more questions. Enjoy none the less.)


Ahn'Qiraj War Effort Numbers.

Some very interesting stuff going on in WoW, especially in patch 1.9, in this patch there is a War Effort to open the gates of Ahn-Qiraj. This war effort calls for all of the members of either side and sometimes both sides to come together to gather the following substantial amounts of supplies in order for the gates to open.Want to know what the various items to turn in for Ahn'Qiraj are? Predictably, prices for these items are rapidly rising in the AH. The first time you turn something in, you obtain ten commendation signets that can be turned in for a reputation boost as well as a Ahn'Qiraj War Effort Supplies crate that typically contains a scroll and a green/blue item; subsequent turnins only net one commendation signet and one supply crate. Ten commendation signets net a 75 point reputation bonus, which means you could net a 1125 reputation bonus just for turning in one of each!Alliance and Horde have different turnin items and quantites.

The list is below:
90000 Copper Bar
28000 Iron Bar
24000 Thorium Bar
33000 Stranglekelp
26000 Purple Lotus
20000 Arthas' Tears
180000 Light Leather
110000 Medium Leather
80000 Thick Leather
First Aid
800000 Linen bandaids
600000 Silk bandaids
400000 Runecloth bandaids
14000 Rainbow Fin Albacore
20000 Roast Raptor
17000 Spotted Yellowtail

90000 Copper Bar
22000 Tin Bar
18000 Mithril Bar
96000 Peacebloom
19000 Firebloom
26000 Purple Lotus
80000 Thick Leather
60000 Heavy Leather
60000 Rugged Leather
First Aid
250000 Wool bandaids
250000 Mageweave bandaids
400000 Runecloth bandaids
10000 Lean Wolf Steak
17000 Spotted Yellowtail
10000 Baked Salmon

Definitely an interesting way to get everyone involved in a world event. Farmers are taking notice and AH item prices are rapidly rising, as well as shortages in other areas, such as bags, since one can obtain a better price selling off the leather at the AH then from the final item. The numbers were borrowed from wowinsider.So everyone needs to jump in and do their part.

The internet is for porn. WoW.

The following link does NOT send you to anything pornographic. What is does send you to is a machinima video using World of Warcraft set to a song from the deranged puppet musical Avenue Q. Enjoy.


Welcome to the unholy order blog.

This is the first post on the unholy order blog... I hope there will be many more to follow, the current guild leader is JackalHit.

If you are interested in contributing to the blog with news, articles, annnouncements, raid info, server info... anything wow related... please send an email to Lunchbox at to ask to be added as a contributor.

Happy hunting everyone.

